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Issues in the Alphabetical Section

This page presents a non-exhaustive list of known issues in the Alphabetical Section of the Digital Beehive. As issues are discovered, they are added to this list. When an issue is resolved, it is either removed or the issue is modified to reflect the current status of the item.

Volume and image number: 1.431

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.431

The point of reference for “Perverting” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 122 [Perverting] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.432

The topic of this entry is unknown due to damage to the manuscript, but is likely “Adultery”.

Volume and image number: 1.432

The point of reference for “Consent” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 649 [Consent] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.432

The point of reference for “Clothes” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 19 [Clothes] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.432

The point of reference for “Astrology” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 24 [Astrology] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium

Volume and image number: 1.433

The point of reference for “Refutation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 242 [Refutation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.433

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.433

The point of reference for “False Prophets” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.The Octavo Index indicates that 41 [False Prophets] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.433

The point of reference for “Degenerating” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 14 [Degenerating] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.434

The topic of this entry is unknown due to damage to the manuscript, but is likely “Apothecary”.

Volume and image number: 1.434

The points of reference for “Confirm”, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 852 [Confirmation] may be the earliest relevant entry in the numerical section of the Alvearium, but it is on a missing page.

Volume and image number: 1.435

The point of reference for “Pilgrimage” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 30 [Pilgrimage] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.436

The topic of this entry is unknown due to damage to the manuscript, but is likely “Beauty”.

Volume and image number: 1.436

The point of reference for “Brewing” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 4615 [Brewing] may be the earliest ocurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page on which it would be found is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 1.436

This entry points to numerical entry 705. We have chosen to link to both 705 [Believe] and 705 [Doubtfulness] here.

Volume and image number: 1.437

The point of reference for “Neger” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 382 [Neger or Negro] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. It is also unclear as to whether or not “White” should be considered its own entry. Here we have annotated it as if it were so.

Volume and image number: 1.437

It is unclear whether “It. nick-name” should be considered a cross-reference. The point of reference for “Stupidity” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 711 [Stupidity] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. It is also not totally clear if “It. nick-name” should be considered a cross reference. We have linked to 181 [Nickname].

Volume and image number: 1.437

It is unclear whether “blood of Xst” should be considered a separate entry. We have chosen to annotate it as its own entity.

Volume and image number: 1.438

The topic of this entry is unknown due to damage to the manuscript, but is likely “Bounty”.

Volume and image number: 1.438

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.438

The point of reference for “Wedding” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1208 [Wedding] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.438

It is not totally clear whether “Brethren in Iniquity” should be considered a separate entry. We have annotated it as its own entity here.

Volume and image number: 1.439

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.439

The point of reference for “Ordination” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 221 [Sacramt of Orders] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.439

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.440

The point of reference for “Motive” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 153 [Motive] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.440

It is not totally clear whether “To prevent generation” should be considered a separate entry. We have annotated it as part of “Celibate” here.

Volume and image number: 1.441

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 1.441

The point of reference for “Restoration” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1652 [Restoration] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.442

It is unclear whether Pastorius meant to include “coat” as a cross reference. The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.443

The points of reference for “Stock” and “Train” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 632 [Stock] and 866 [Train] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.443

The point of reference for “Confirm” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 852 [Confirmation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but it appears on a missing page.

Volume and image number: 1.443

The point of reference for “Desire” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 115 [Desire] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.444

The point of reference for “Disregard” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.The Octavo Index indicates that 470 [Disregard] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.444

The point of reference for “Easy in living” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1301 [Easy in living] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.445

The point of reference for “Dainty meats” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 696 [Danity meats] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.445

The point of reference for (: old & new :) Testament is not entirely clear. The Octavo Index points to entries for “Old Testamt” and “New Testamt” in the alphabetical section.

Volume and image number: 1.446

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.446

The point of reference for “Crucifix” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 184 [Crucifixes] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.447

The point of reference for “Jailer” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 399 [Jailer] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.447

The point of reference for “Accustoming” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 127 [Accustoming] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.447

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 1.447

The point of reference for “Pinch” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 645 [Pinch] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.447

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Death, continued.

Volume and image number: 1.448

This entry is a continuation of Death, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.448

It is unclear if “it. War. revenge.” should be considered as cross references. We have linked to both entries, which occur in the Alphabetical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.448

The cross reference at 1377 cannot be determined.

Volume and image number: 1.449

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 1.450

The point of reference for “Tares” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 809 [Tares] may be the the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page on which it would appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 1.450

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 1.450

The point of reference for “Desperate” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 8 [Desperation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.451

The correct cross reference at entry 1371 cannot be determined.

Volume and image number: 1.451

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.451

The points of reference for “Perplexity”, “Pinch” and “Scepticism” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 661 [Perplexity], 645 [Pinch], and 1254 [Scepticism] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.452

The point of reference for “Passover Feast” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1011 [Passover] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.452

The point of reference for “Excommunication” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 26 [Excommunication] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.453

The point of reference for “Kingdom” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 906 [Kingdom] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. The two solitary “add”s at the end of this entry may mark cross-references that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 1.453

Damage partially obscures the cross reference to 1087 [Epicures], but we have chosen to link to it.

Volume and image number: 1.454

The point of reference for “Like” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 4773 [Like as] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.454

The points of reference for “Infallibility”and “Mistake” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 32 [Infallibility] and 234 [Mistake] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.454

The points of reference for “Always”and “Immortality” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entires for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 287 [Always] and 474 [Immortal] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.454

The point of reference for “Self-examination” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 117 [Self-examination] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.455

The point of reference for “Conversation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 124 [Conversation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.455

The point of reference for “Formality” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 229 [Formality] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.455

The point of reference for “talker of trifles” cannot be determined.

Volume and image number: 1.456

The point of reference for “Departure” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 712 [Departure] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.456

The point of reference for “Grease” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 698 [Grease] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 1.456

The point of reference for “Mistake” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 234 [Mistake] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.11

The points of reference for “Coals”and “Incendiary” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 1134 [Coal] and 369 [Incendiary] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.11

The point of reference for “Plausible Popularity” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 94 [a Plausible man] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.13

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.14

The point of reference for “Moderation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 21 [Moderate] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.14

The point of reference for “Inspiration” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 893 [Inspiration] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.15

The point of reference for “post titulos decem” cannot be determined.

Volume and image number: 2.16

The point of reference for “Kingdom” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 906 [Kingdom] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.16

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.16

The point of reference for “Giant” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 361 [Giant] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.16

The point of reference for “Executor” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 4833 [Executors] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.16

The point of reference for “Success” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 102 [Success] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.17

The point of reference for “Dispatch” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 175 [Dispatch] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.18

The point of reference for “Weight” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 833 [Weights] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.18

The point of reference for “Cock” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 723 [Cock] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.18

The point of reference for “Clergy” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 43 [Clergy] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.18

The point of reference for “Rebus” is not entirely clear , as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 250 [Rebus] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.18

The point of reference for “Disappoint” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 470 [Disappointmt] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.19

The point of reference for “Pilgrimage” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 34 [Pilgrimage] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.19

The point of reference for “Desperation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 8 [Desperation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.19

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.21

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 2.22

The point of reference for “Indifferency” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 176 [Indifferency] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.22

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.22

The point of reference for “Luxury” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 189 [Luxury] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.23

The point of reference for “Means” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 172 [Means] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.24

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.24

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.25

The point of reference for “Righteousness” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 319 [Righteous] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.26

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.26

The point of reference for “English tongue” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 473 [English tongue] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.26

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Law, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.27

This entry is a continuation of Law, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.27

The point of reference for “Inspiration” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 893 [Inspiration] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.27

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Liberty of Consicence, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.28

This entry is a continuation of Liberty of Conscience, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.28

The point of reference for “Hyperbole” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 842 [Hyperbole] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but it is on a missing page.

Volume and image number: 2.28

The points of reference for “Likeness”and “Probability” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 1567 [Likeness] and 246 [Probability] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.29

The point of reference for “Stern” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 655 [Sternness] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.31

The point of reference for “Vespers” is unclear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.

Volume and image number: 2.31

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.32

The point of reference for “Contemplation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 802 [Contemplation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.32

The point of reference for “Clemency” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1120 [Clemency] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.32

The point of reference for “viscera terrae” is unclear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.

Volume and image number: 2.32

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.33

The point of reference for “Unhappiness” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 716 [Unhappiness] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.33

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Mortality, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.34

This entry is a continuation of Mortality, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.34

The point of reference for “Juggling” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 422 [Juggling] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.34

The point of reference for “Lamentation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 539 [Lamentation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.34

The point of reference for “Sound” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1640 [Sound] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.35

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 2.36

The point of reference for “Indifferency” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 176 [Indifferency] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.36

The point of reference for “Messenger” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 87 [Messenger] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.36

The point of reference for “Ancestors” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 776 [Ancestors] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but it is on a missing page.

Volume and image number: 2.36

The point of reference for “Swearing” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 90 [Swearing] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.37

The point of reference for “Plainness” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 113 [Plainness] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.37

The point of reference for “Divination” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 1315 [Divination] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.38

The “&” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.38

The point of reference for “Expenses” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 715 [Expenses] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.39

The point of reference for “Fellowship” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 283 [Company] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.39

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.39

The points of reference for “Tranquillity”and “Truce” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 603 [Tranquillity] and 137 [Truce] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.39

The points of reference for “downright scholar” and “Pretender to learning” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 105 [Pretender to learning] and 1564 [Scholars] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.39

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Perfection, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.39

This entry is a continuation of Perfection, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.40

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.40

The point of reference for “Conviction” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 362 [Conviction] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.40

The point of reference for “Painting” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.The Octavo Index indicates that 575 [Painting] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.40

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.41

The point of reference for “Temporizing” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 643 [Temporising] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.41

The point of reference for “Bigamy” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 452 [Bigamy] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.42

The point of reference for “Reprobates” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 139 [Reprobates] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.42

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.42

The points of reference for “Workhouse”and “Jailer” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 399 [Jailer] and 793 [Workhouse] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. The page where 793 [Workhouse] might appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.43

This entry is a continuation of Prison, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.43

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.43

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.43

The points of reference for “Trial” and “Essay” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 783 [Argument, trial or essay] may be the earliest occurrence of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page where it would appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.44

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.44

The point of reference for “Wit” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 313 [Wit] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.44

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Punishment, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.44

This entry is a continuation of Punishment, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.45

The point of reference for “Cleanliness” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 598 [Cleanliness] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.45

The point of reference for “Obsolete” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 355 [Old and obsolete] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.46

The point of reference for “Reprobates” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 139 [Reprobates] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.47

The point of reference for “Old rags” is unclear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.

Volume and image number: 2.47

The point of reference for “Esteem” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 829 [Esteem] might be the first relevant entry in the numerical section of the Alvearium, but it is on a missing page.

Volume and image number: 2.47

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Resurrection, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.48

This entry is a continuation of Resurrection, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.49

The point of reference for “Steal” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 866 [Stealing] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.50

The point of reference for “Frenck Pocks” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 637 [French Pocks] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.50

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.51

The point of reference for “Preparation” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 636 [Preparation] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.51

The point of reference for “Substantial” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 92 [Substantial] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.52

The point of reference for “Neger” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 382 [Neger] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. It is also unclear as to whether or not “White” should be considered its own entry. Here we have annotated it as if it were so.

Volume and image number: 2.52

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.52

The points of reference for “Face”and “Form” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 762 [Face] and 763 [Form] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page on which they would appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.52

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Silence, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.53

This entry is a continuation of Silence, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.53

The point of reference for “Comparison” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 534 [Comparison] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.53

The point of reference for “Ability” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 258 [Ability] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.53

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.54

The point of reference for “Captivity” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 351 [Captivity] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.54

The point of reference for “Dispatch” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 175 [Dispatch] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.54

The point of reference for “Laconism” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 2 [Laconism] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.55

The point of reference for “Astrology” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 24 [Astrology] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.55

The point of reference for “Torturing” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 419 [Torturing] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.56

The point of reference for “waspish” is unclear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.

Volume and image number: 2.56

The point of reference for “to Retain” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 866 [to Retain] might be the first relevant entry in the numerical section of the Alvearium, but it appears on a missing page.

Volume and image number: 2.57

The points of reference for “Seamster” and “to Sell” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 604 [to Sell] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. The Octavo Index indicates that 861 [Seamster] might be the earliest occuring entry referencing “Seamster”, but the page on which it would appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.57

The points of reference for “Instigation”and “Provocation” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 602 [Instigation] and 120 [Provocation] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium. This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Temptation, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.58

This entry is a continuation of Temptation, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.58

This entry continues this topic on the following page of the Alvearium as Time, continued.

Volume and image number: 2.59

This entry is a continuation of Time, which appears at the end of the previous page of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.60

The points of reference for “Shopkeeper”and “Butcher” are not entirely clear, as there are no alphabetical entries for these terms. The Octavo Index indicates that 109 [a Shopkeeper] and 350 [Butchering] may be the earliest occurrences of these topics in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: .60

The point of reference for “Hear-say” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 779 [Hear-say] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page on which it would appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.60

The point of reference for “Enthusiasm” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 35 [Enthusiasm] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.60

The point of reference for “Departure” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 713 [Departure] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.61

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.62

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.62

The point of reference for “Professors” is unclear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term.

Volume and image number: 2.62

The point of reference for “in cognito” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 262 [In Cognito] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.62

The point of reference for “Renouncing” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 418 [Renouncing] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.63

The point of reference for “Glutton” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 816 [Gluttony] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page on which it would be found is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.63

The point of reference for “Use” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 155 [Use] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.63

The point of reference for “Impotency” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 334 [Impotency] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.64

Damage to the manuscript has made the topic of one of this entry’s cross references illegible.

Volume and image number: 2.65

The point of reference for “1316” is unclear.

Volume and image number: 2.66

The point of reference for “Timber” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 798 [Timber] might the first relevant entry in the numerical section of the Alvearium, but the page on which it would appear is missing from the manuscript.

Volume and image number: 2.66

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.66

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.67

The point of reference for “Formality” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 229 [Formality] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.67

The point of reference for “Bites” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 852 [Bite] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.67

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.67

The solitary “add” at the end of this entry may mark a cross-reference that Pastorius mistakenly did not complete.

Volume and image number: 2.67

The point of reference for “Boy” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 934 [a Boy] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.

Volume and image number: 2.67

The point of reference for “Lukewarmness” is not entirely clear, as there is no alphabetical entry for this term. The Octavo Index indicates that 27 [Lukewarmness] may be the earliest occurrence of this topic in the Numerical section of the Alvearium.