This page presents a non-exhaustive list of known issues in the Octavo Index of the Digital Beehive. As issues are discovered, they are added to this list. When an issue is resolved, it is either removed or the issue is modified to reflect the current status of the item.
Volume and image number: 3.7
The meaning of “it. contumely” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.9
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified.
Volume and image number: 3.9
The intended reference of “add. Arab” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.9
It is unclear how many of the preceding entries Pastorius means to include with “ibid.”
Volume and image number: 3.9
“54” refers to a page number but is notated as an entry.
Volume and image number: 3.10
to bely
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified.
Volume and image number: 3.10
body of Christ
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified.
Volume and image number: 3.11
The meaning of “it. man” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.12
Pastorius writes 1581, but there is no reference to Chaucer in any entry for 1581. The entry 1585, however, clearly references Chaucer.
Volume and image number: 3.13
The intended point of reference for “nominal christians” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.14
The meaning of “it. to last” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.15
cosmographical books
Pastorius writes p.279, but “post num. 1005,” which refers to pages 375ff. It can be inferred Pastorius means p.379.
Volume and image number: 3.16
The meaning of the underlining in this entry cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.16
The meaning of “it. too little” and “it. natural” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.16
The meaning of “it. education” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.17
dish cloth
It is unclear whether “dish cloth” should be its own entry or merely mark a variant of “dish clout.”
Volume and image number: 3.17
doctor of divinity
Pastorius links to section 47 on page 66. There is currently no protocol for specifying a specific item on a page reference.
Volume and image number: 3.18
The intended point of reference for “becoming” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.18
The intended point of reference for “worthy” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.18
Pastorius links to entry 366 in the Onomastical Considerations. There is currently no protocol for linking to specific entries in the Onomastical Considerations.
Volume and image number: 3.18
earth’s division
Pastorius links to entry 914 in the Onomastical Considerations. There is currently no protocol for linking to specific entries in the Onomastical Considerations.
Volume and image number: 3.20
The meaning of “it. report” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.20
The intended point of reference for “battle” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.21
The intended entry for 1049 is ambiguous.
Volume and image number: 3.21
forsake all
It is unclear if “all” is part of this entry, the following entry, or both.
Volume and image number: 3.22
The page reference refers to Pastorius’s older system of pagination.
Volume and image number: 3.22
The intended entry for 299 is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.22
God’s name
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.22
Pastorius links to section 358 on page 379. There is currently no protocol for specifying a specific item on a page reference.
Volume and image number: 3.23
The intended page reference cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.24
Pastorius links to section 32 on page ten. There is currently no protocol for specifying a specific item on a page reference.
Volume and image number: 3.25
The cross-reference “East & West Indies” refers to two separate index headers. There is currently no protocol to link to two different items.
Volume and image number: 3.27
It unclear which entries are for “knowledge” and which for “knowledge of God.”
Volume and image number: 3.27
knowledge of God
It unclear which entries are for “knowledge” and which for “knowledge of God.”
Volume and image number: 3.27
It is unclear why Pastorius links “Korb” with “denial.”
Volume and image number: 3.28
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.28
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.28
The correct entry for 249 is ambiguous.
Volume and image number: 3.29
manuscripts of mine own
The listed entry is on the page following the intended point of reference.
Volume and image number: 3.30
The meaning of “It. field” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.31
name of God
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.33
onomast. Consid
The specific pages intended by “&c.” are unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.33
The meaning of “it. paradise” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.33
The intended point of reference meant by “1335” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.36
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified.
Volume and image number: 3.36
poetical toys
The page reference refers to Pastorius’s older system of pagination.
Volume and image number: 3.36
The meaning of “It. dowry” cannot be determined.
Volume and image number: 3.36
praise of God
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.36
praise of men
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.36
The intended point of reference for “dear” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.36
The intended point of reference for “excell” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.37
The intended point of reference for “pretext” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.38
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.38
winter quarter
The “a” links to an alphabetical entry which is indexed more than once. There is no protocol at this point to handle multiple indexing for alphabetical entries.
Volume and image number: 3.39
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified.
Volume and image number: 3.39
relation. freündschafft
The intended point of reference for “add. history” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.40
ABC rhymes and meeters
The intended point of reference meant by “1701” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.40
The crochet refers not to a missing header but instead provides additional information about “ABC rhymes and meeters.” There is currently no protocol for connecting the two.
Volume and image number: 3.41
The intended point of reference meant by “1372” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.42
The intended point of reference for “shirm” is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.46
The crochet refers not to a missing header but instead provides additional information about “Symboles onomastical.” There is currently no protocol for connecting the two.
Volume and image number: 3.46
Pastorius writes 582 but clearly intended 581.
Volume and image number: 3.47
Pastorius writes 423 but clearly intended 422.
Volume and image number: 3.49
The correct entry for 535 is ambiguous.
Volume and image number: 3.50
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified. It is likely he means to direct the reader to the alphabetical entry “Doubt.”
Volume and image number: 5.51
warlike discipline
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified. It is likely he means to direct the reader to “martial discipline.”
Volume and image number: 3.52
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified.
Volume and image number: 3.52
The correct entry for 510 is unclear.
Volume and image number: 3.52
Pastorius lists “a” but no alphabetical entry can be identified. It is likely he means to direct the reader to the alphabetical entry “Blackness.”
Volume and image number: 3.12
It is not entirely clear whether this index entry is “Chaucer” or “Chauser,” which were both spellings used in this period of the name of poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Also, the point of reference for entry 1581 is not entirely clear; neither topic in that entry is particularly relevant to Chaucer, but we have chosen to link 1581 [Errata’s]. It is possible that Pastorius meant to refer to 1585 [Verses] in this index entry, as 1585 [Verses] mentions Chaucer.
Volume and image number: 3.14
Pastorius appears to have written 1864 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 4864 [Conjuring].
Volume and image number: 3.15
Pastorius appears to have written 1803 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 4803 [Coxcombs].
Volume and image number: 3.15
Pastorius appears to have written 1870 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 2216 [Dancing].
Volume and image number: 3.16
This entry mistakenly lists 1377. Pastorius likely meant to list 2377 [Degrees].
Volume and image number: 3.24
to hit
Pastorius appears to have written 2244 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 2444 [To hit].
Volume and image number: 3.27
justice and mercy
Pastorius appears to have written 1216 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 2216 [Justice & Mercy].
Volume and image number: 3.30
matter, eijter
Pastorius appears to create a reference to 1592. However, it is likely that this was an error, and he meant to cross-reference 4592, which is on a missing page of the Alvearium but appears elsewhere in the index under “theme.”
Volume and image number: 3.30
Pastorius appears to have written 1873 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 4873 [Miller].
Volume and image number: 3.38
Pastorius appears to have written 1872 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 4872 [Quick].
Volume and image number: 3.40
sack cloath
Pastorius appears to have written 1487 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 4487 [Sackcloth].
Volume and image number: 3.41
This index entry mistakenly lists 1372. Pastorius likely meant to list 2372 [Saxony].
Volume and image number: 3.54
Pastorius appears to have written 1874 under this entry. However, he likely meant to write 4874 [Angling].