Volume 1, Image 143
Pastorius's Description: It is with Poetry or Poesy just as with Tobacco, which Some Smoke and Other can't brook; / Laudatur ab his, Culpatur ab illis, vide infrà pag. 83 Num. 167. / Whereas now in the few next ensuing Leaves the Reader will find a Miscellany of my sorry Rimes, / I would not have him think, that I made them with a purpose to be accounted a Poet, / No, by no means, Non tanto sum dignus honore; but only to try whether Versifying / and Turning of the Spooling-wheel were things Compatible at the same times. // On this side I shall set down, what's alledg'd Pro- and Con-; Whereunto ye may add Alvear ipsum. sub tit. psalms poesie & poets, a. & num. 454. 1586. 1584. Verses 1585. Thymes & meeters, 1701. &c.
Pastorius's Page Number: 68
Sections: Germantown Silva | Pro & Contra Poetry or Poesie | Miscellaneous Verse
Content: Introduction to the following pages of Pastorius's verses (likely including the Germantown Silva)
Range: Pro Poetry or Poesie - Controa Poetry or Poesie
Notes: This leaf was pasted to the following leaf prior to rebinding. The verso was uncovered in rebinding.
Type: Verse
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