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1.13: Francis Daniel Pastorius's Paper-Hive
1.18: Old Alvearium Index
1.34: An Alphabetical Register of the Names of those who (forsooth) are Im[m]ortalized by Epitaphs
1.35: A peculiar Index or Table to Mine Onomastical Considerations
1.46: Infarcienda, Or some More Names & Words
1.56: F.D.P. Symbola Onomastica
1.59: Francis Daniel Pastorius: his Book. 1696.
1.61: Francis Daniel Pastorius: his Alphabetical Hive of more than two thousand Honey-Combs
1.62: Tantum Quantum; Seu Donum Bonum Inscriptionum
1.71: Some Epitaphs ex Libello Epitaphiorum
1.78: Inscriptions (Addenda)
1.79: Epitaphs
1.80: Out of Sir John Denham's Directions to a Painter
1.81: Advice about Marriage. M. Maint.
1.82: A Copy of Verses writ by Thomas Ellwood
1.84: An Evangelical account of the Life of Jesus Christ written by Nicodemus
1.85: Emblematical Recreations
1.114: Mellitotrophium Apicula Germanopolitan[ae]. F.D.P.
1.115: Francis Daniel Pastorius. His Hive or Bee-stock.
1.116: Quaker Writings
1.117: Out of the Writings of those true Christians whome the World in Scorn calls Quakers
1.123: Out of some Other Authors
1.128: Friends Writings
1.131: Some More anonymous Authors
1.135: More Anonymous Authors, which were No Quakers
1.136: Some more Anonymous Writings publish'd by those called Quakers
1.137: A few Supplements to my former Emblematical Recreations
1.140: Continuo Symbolorum Onomasticorum
1.143: Pro & Contra Poetry or Poesie
1.145: An Alarum to the Wise and Foolish Virgins
1.147: Index seqq: Metrorum
1.151: Silvula Rhytmorum Germanopolitanorum. F. D. P.
1.220: Epigrams
1.224: Miscellania
1.225: Continuatio Symbolorum Onomasticorum F. D. P.
1.236: Text pertaining to the Title Deed for Land in Germantown
1.241: Some Onomastical Considerations
1.263: Plus Ultra. Or Some further Onomastical Considerations
1.311: The Tithe-Teacher Plaintiff & the Poor Man Defendant
1.315: Onomastical Considerations (Additions)
1.411: A Commemoratory Poem by Howell Powell
1.413: Genealogia Pastoriana
1.431: Alvearium: Absence - Fault

This section provides a page-by-page overview of the first volume of the Beehive as it is currently bound. You can find an explanation of this division and a user guide for page browsing here. The navigation is divided and represented by Pastorius's own language. Additionally, each of these divisions is marked by its volume and image number for locational reference.